Year 6
In Year 6, we work hard on developing the children as independent, goal-oriented learners who learn to use feedback to further support their growth. Students are afforded many opportunities to work with a range of children and teachers across the curriculum where learning is differentiated and individual needs and learning styles are planned for.
Student Leadership
In Year 6 students continue their journey into student leadership with the introduction of formalised leadership positions, these include School Captains, House leaders and Student Representative Council.
School Captains have a range of responsibilities within the school they:
Act as student leadership representatives at events such as assemblies, whole school events and events where BFPS are represented to the wider community.
Conduct tours of the school for special guests.
Attend and represent the school at extra-curricular events (e.g. concerts, award nights, ANZAC ceremony) and other events that may arise during the year.
All student leaders will be involved in meetings with staff to discuss a range of topics and build their capacity to support and lead students undertaking recess and lunch time activities.
We view all students in Year 6 as being active leaders within our school community and representing our school with pride.
Inquiry Units
Windows on Australia
During this topic the Year 6 students will investigate our Australian History, stories of migration and what it means to be Australian. Students will explore the history of the Federation and History of Parliament.
Business and Enterprise
During this topic the Year 6 students look at the needs and wants of societies and local communities and the businesses that exist to address these. Students will delve into the many types of business’ which exist from agriculture, tourism, telecommunications through to not-for-profit organisations. Our Business and Enterprise topic will be closely linked with our ‘Windows on Australia’ to identify and describe changes over our history.
Throughout the year students in Year 6 will have the opportunity to participate in a range of extracurricular activities, this year these will include:
- Incursions/ Excursions
- Lightning Premiership
Phillip Island
We are excited to offer a camp to Phillip Island. This is not only an adventure camp but have planned some exciting extra treats to explore the surrounds of Phillip Island and all it has to offer.
Level Sport
Year 6 students will be participating in sports training once a week. This training is in preparation for Summer and Winter Lightning Premiership, which takes place across the year. Sports could include netball, tee ball, AFL, soccer, volley stars, cricket, basketball, softball, league and tag.
Supporting students transitioning to Year 7 is a key priority this year. The Department's findmyschool
website allows you to locate your designated neighbourhood government school based on your permanent residential address. The website is the official and most up to date source of information on school zone maps.
Applications to schools other than your designated neighbourhood school are considered subject to the school having available spaces, as outlined in the Department’s Placement Policy.
Please note that Year 7 placement is decided by secondary schools. However, all communication about your child's placement must be with the Year 6 Coordinator or Transition Coordinator at your child's primary school until the placement is confirmed.
Throughout the course of the year, students will be invited to participate in a variety of school tours and demonstration lessons at Carrum Downs Secondary College. Whilst not all students intend to enrol at this school, it is an excellent opportunity to visit a secondary school setting. These visits help to build relationships and alleviate any concerns or issues that students may have about the next step in the learning journey no matter which school they end up attending.
State-wide orientation day is when all public schools attend a full day of orientation at their enrolled secondary college. This date will also be advised by the DET and details will be forwarded to parent once they are available. On this day, students are expected at attend their enrolled secondary college in Banyan Fields School uniform unless you are advised otherwise. If you have any questions about Transition, please don’t hesitate to ask one of the Year 6 teachers, they will direct you to the teacher in charge of Transition.