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The English Curriculum at Banyan Fields Primary School is based on the Victorian Curriculum. 

Student literacy skills are developed through targeted teaching and learning experiences. Students’ individual abilities are monitored using formal and ongoing assessment practices in order to provide learning opportunities that caters for the identified needs of each student. We are focused on developing students’ oral language, reading, writing and listening skills.


Students engage in units of work each term which address the following literacy focus areas; concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, word morphology, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, oral language, the writing process and qualities of writing.

Banyan Fields Primary School:


  •  Plans using the Victorian Curriculum

  •  Provides a differentiated curriculum and personalised learning environment

  •  Incorporates technology into everyday learning experiences

  •  Develops strong text understanding by focusing on identified reading strategies

  •  Provides opportunities for students to engage in independent reading and strategy application

  •  Endeavours to provide high engagement texts for all reading levels

  •  Administers PAT Early Years Reading and PAT Reading Assessments

  •  Administers Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System for reading

  •  Uses Naplan Writing assessment tools

  •  Uses Bug Club across the school from Foundation to Year 6

  •  Uses Read Theory in Year 3 to Year 6

  •  Focuses on fostering lifelong writers by developing understanding and application of the writing traits

  •  Celebrates Education Week and Book Week

  •  Administers the University of New South Wales ICAS English Competition to students

  •  Works with schools in the local network to improve the literacy of all students across Carrum Downs

  •  Partnered with the Northern Peninsula Oral Language Initiative


At Banyan Fields Primary School we understand the importance of reading. We want to create a generation of active, thoughtful and proficient readers.  Our school Reading program incorporates teaching of identifed reading strategies and behaviours through Readers Workshops and Close Reading sessions. All students in Foundation to Year 6 undertake Readers’ Workshops throughout the week and students in years 2 to 6 also undertake Close reading throughout the term. 

Reader's Workshop

The Readers’ Workshop is a framework for teaching and learning that allows for in-depth teaching and learning, differentiation and ultimately independence. The Readers’ Workshop incorporates the following;


  • Mini lesson with explicit teaching of the identified Reading Strategy

  • Independent practice of the scaffolded strategy

  • Independent application in students’ own reading material

  • Independent reading

  • Reading Conferences 

  • Small Group reading instruction – Guided Reading or Literature Circles

  • Debrief to share and celebrate their learning


Independent Reading 

Independent reading is incorporated into the Readers’ Workshop and provides time for students to practise their reading goals. All students take part in independent reading and have a rage of easy, good fit and challenging texts in their reading tubs. These texts are chosen by the student but may also have some teacher directed texts included. Student choice is essential to text selection and helps to further engage students in reading. 



Close Reading

Close Reading is an instructional routine in which students critically examine complex texts, through repeated readings. Within Close Reading at Banyan Fields our students focus on building vocabulary knowledge, understanding the important parts of a text, developing deep text connections, questioning the text for deeper understanding, identifying and explaining the authors’ purpose and understanding personal preferences to texts. 



Bayan Fields Primary School’s writing program explores the writing process, specific genre work and the qualities of good writing through the Writers’ Workshop. Students engage with units of work which focus on the Writer's Process and key focus areas like audience and authors voice, text organisation, ideas, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions of writing.


Students use Writers' Notebooks throughout the writing process and learn to develop their writing through targeted mini lessons. A key element of the writer’s workshop is student choice. Students are not prescribed topics; they are taught to generate and collect their topics from their own experiences and interests through their Writers' Notebooks.



Writer's Workshop

The Writers’ Workshop is a framework for teaching and learning that allows for students to become writers themselves by engaging in the writing process. The Writers’ Workshop incorporates the following;


  • Mini lesson with explicit teaching of the identified strategy or skill

  • Independent practice of the scaffolded strategy or skill

  • Independent application in students’ own writing material

  • Writing Conferences 

  • Small Group writing instruction

  • Debrief to share and celebrate their learning

Literacy Resources

Developing strong skills in reading, writing and maths is critical to ensure your child’s success in early learning and beyond.


You can make a difference by supporting what your child learns at school and helping them to learn at home by using the resources provided on the Banyan Fields Primary School website.


Explore the links below for ideas to use at home with your child.


How to build your child's literacy skills from birth to year 2
How to build your child's literacy skills from years 3 to 6
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