Physical Education
Banyan Fields is blessed with vast grounds in which Physical Education (PE) and sporting lessons take place, including an outside basketball court, synthetic soccer pitch with running track and jumping pit, large oval, indoor hall and three age-appropriate playgrounds. Students are afforded numerous opportunities to shine and build their skills:
PE lessons focus on developing students’ skills and fitness and are conducted in a manner which aims to be fun so that students may foster lifelong positive attitudes towards health and fitness. Enhancing social skills and emotional intelligence is also a strong focus.
In addition to PE lessons, every year level participates in a weekly sport program. Preps participate in a Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), whilst older students take part in minor and major games. In years 3 to 6, students are offered opportunities to represent our school in district sports carnivals: track and field athletics, swimming, cross-country and basketball (Hooptime). Students in years 6 may also represent our school in interschool sports: basketball, t-ball, softball, cricket, volley stars, Australian rules football, soccer and netball. Grade 5 & 6 students also have the opportunity to participate in the Billy Slater Shield Rugby League.
Physical Education at Banyan Fields Primary School
Students will experience a variety of minor games focusing on participation and cooperation. Sporting skills will concentrate on developing Fundamental Motor Skills in ball handling, movement, throwing, Kicking, hitting and catching using a variety of sporting equipment.
Year 1 and 2
Students will experience a variety of minor games focusing on participation and cooperation. Sporting skills will concentrate on developing Fundamental Motor Skills in ball handling, movement, throwing, Kicking, hitting and catching using a variety of sporting equipment.
Year 3 and 4
Students are encouraged to share equipment and work cooperatively in teams to develop their motor skills of skipping, running, throwing, catching, striking, tracking and trapping. These skills are combined and adapted in various ways with games taught through individual practice or by incorporating them into modified game structures, both with and without equipment.
Year 5 and 6
Students are encouraged to share equipment and work cooperatively in teams to develop their motor skills of skipping, running, throwing, catching, striking, tracking and trapping. These skills are combined and adapted in various ways with games taught through individual practice or by incorporating them into modified game structures, both with and without equipment.