The Mathematics Curriculum at Banyan Fields Primary School is based on the Victorian Curriculum.
Lessons are planned to develop skills and mathematical understandings focussing on the 4 key proficiency areas of Understanding, Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. All areas are continuously monitored using formal and ongoing assessment practices in order to provide learning opportunities that cater for the identified needs of each student.
We are focused on developing student understandings of mathematical concepts by providing opportunities for consolidation and application of learning through authentic experiences.
We promote and provide opportunities for student agency by allowing students opportunities to select the right task for them and practice their individual maths goals in a way that best suits their learning needs - this includes through the use of technology, peer work, maths games and applying this through authentic learning tasks.
Maths Workshop
The Maths Workshop is a framework for teaching and learning that allows for in-depth teaching and learning, differentiation and ultimately independence. The Maths Workshop incorporates the following;
Mini lesson with explicit teaching of the identified maths concept
Independent practice of the scaffolded strategy/concept
Independent application for students to practice the taught concept/skill/strategy
Independent Maths activities to focus on point of need for each student
Maths Conferences
Small Group work
Debrief to share and celebrate their learning
Independent Maths Goals
Mathematics Resources
Developing strong skills in reading, writing and maths is critical to ensure your child’s success in early learning and beyond.
You can make a difference by supporting what your child learns at school and helping them to learn at home by using the resources provided on the Banyan Fields Primary School website.
Explore the links below for ideas, games and resources to use at home with your child.